Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wishy Washy

Why is it that when you wash your car on a busy Friday afternoon with tons of cars, the cleaners seem to get every detail but when you go first thing in the morning (when it's half price) and you are the only car it takes twice as long and they do a sloppy job? Why is that? As much as I want to complain about such minor occurrences, I can't help but notice the parallel in my life.

The days when there is barely enough time to sit on the pot and I'm running from here to there, are the days that I can look back on and be quit impressed with what I have done. Then there are the days when, I have one phone call I have to make or one tiny errand that must be done and I find myself slugging (and I mean the slimy kind of slugging) through a dull, diluted wish washy day. I look back at that day and can't remember what I did!

So go ahead and have a sloppy day now and then but just be ready to get a wet rag in the face because those cars are lining up and just when you think you can get away with sloppy, you're back to focusing on the details :)

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